Custom Rifle Build “The Hooligan”

Mark R. of California recently sent us some photos of his custom rifle build. Mark handmade the stock and machined the trigger guard. He had the following to say and photos to share.
“Got the 308 Win. about done. Stock is African Ribbon Mahogany. Tough machining project but I think it turned out okay for a first effort. I also machined the trigger guard and powder coated parts and washers black. Got kind of carried away with the inlay on the for-end and the leather pad on the comb, but what the heck if your going to build a custom rifle, eh? Put some cross-bolts into the V-block for strength. Also added a leather patch at the ejection port to protect the wood from the hot brass. That ribbon Mahogany is an attractive wood, but it’s not as tough as walnut. Hope you get a kick out of the name on it. Showed the rifle to my wife and she said “That thing looks like a Hooligan”. After I got off the floor from laughing so hard, I thought yea, it does, so what the hey, custom rifle right!”
Beautiful job Mark and happy shooting!