F-Class Build with a Criterion 6.5 Creedmoor

Jack N. of New Jersey reached out to us regarding his Criterion 6.5 Creedmoor barrel and trued Savage Target Action that he purchased from Northland Shooters Supply.
Jack purchased the following items from Northland.
- Trued Savage RB/RP Target Action
- 28″ Criterion 6.5 Creedmoor in a Bull contour
- NSS Precision Ground Recoil Lug
- NSS Squared and Trued Barrel Nut
Jack had the following to say about his build.
“Attached are 2 photos one of my rifle made with an XLR Element chassis using the Savage Target action and 6.5 Creedmoor Criterion 28” bull barrel that I purchased from you. The second photo is a target to show you the accuracy at 300 yards on an MR 63-C class target center. I’m using Sierra 142gr Matchking.
I made this rifle for F-class open competition. I can’t tell you how happy I am with all your help and perfection. Keep up the great work! Hopefully, I will make it to the F-Class Nationals this year.”
Looks like a shooter Jack. Thanks for the note and best of luck this season!