NSS Tools and Upgraded Parts Prove Excellent for a 260 Rem Match Build

Phil B. of Ohio recently sent us some great information regarding his use of NSS tools, NSS upgraded parts, and an NSS 260 Criterion barrel. Phil had the following to say about his purchase.
“Hi James,
Here’s a pic of my rifle with the 260 Criterion barrel installed. Using your action vise & barrel nut wrench, the install was very easy. I used your recoil lug and barrel nut as well.
Your help, good parts, and fast shipping were very valuable to me. I’ve built some ARs and decided to help my Savage. Break-in was a breeze as copper wasn’t an issue. Cleaning after shooting takes a couple patches and little time. When I’m ready to help another rifle l’ll call you without hesitation. Thanks for making my first barrel swap a breeze and a complete success! I’m very happy with the results which speak for themselves. 5 shots into .539″ at 200 yds.”
Thanks for sharing your story Phil and happy shooting!