Shilen 6.5 Creedmoor Build

Mark T. From Colorado reached out regarding his recent Northland Shooters Supply build. Mark purchased the following items from Northland.
- 30” Shilen 6.5 Creedmoor in a Bull contour
- NSS precision ground recoil lug
- NSS squared and trued barrel nut
- NSS action wrench
- NSS 4” barrel nut wrench
- Forster 6.5 Creedmoor go and no-go gauges
Mark had the following to say about his build.
“Here is the load data that I’m using:
- Hornady Brass trimed @1.912
- Ogive seat @ 2.238
- H4350@ 40.0 gn
- Headspace @ 1.553
- Seated neck @ .290 /.002 neck tension
- Berger Hybrid Target 140 gn
- CCI large Rifle primers
I use Redding Nation Match dies and am seeing no more than .001 runout pretty much every round. Having never picked up a rifle in my life till 3 years ago and only just learning how to hand load I have very limited experience.
I Got the barrel installed and broke in. I now have 50 rounds shot and just wanted to share this picture and say thanks for the help in making this a pleasant experience. I’ve only had the rifle out to 500 yards but so far I’m very pleased. This picture was at 200 yards and a 5 shot group.”
Thanks for the message Mark and happy shooting!