June Check-in with The Northland Shooters Supply Sponsored Shooting Team

NSS: How many matches do you compete in during the course of a season?
The Team: I’d say on average we compete in approx. 25 matches per year.
NSS: How is your season going so far?
The Team: 2018 has been a great season for us so far. On an individual basis, we are currently ranked 1st, 7th, 11th and 15th in the Missouri Steel Tactical Series (MOST) out of 339 active shooters in the series.
NSS: How many matches have you competed in so far?
The Team: Various members of the team have competed in 12 matches so far this year.
NSS: Where is the furthest you have traveled for a match?
The Team: Logan, New Mexico or South Georgia to the MPA spring shootout.
NSS: How can a person get involved in the MOST Series/PRS shooting?
The Team: The best advice for anyone that wants to get involved would be to find a match to attend and show up. There are some really generous folks shooting these series and they will loan you anything you need to get some matches under your belt. Bring a scoped rifle, ammo, and a positive attitude. You will have the time of your life! There are several women and youngsters that shoot in the Missouri series, so no matter who you are or where you come from, just come on out and have a great time.