Shilen 22BR Savage Build
Bob C. of Maryland sent us some photos and info on his new 22 BR Savage build using a Shilen Rifles Inc. barrel purchased from Northland Shooters Supply.
Here are the specs on some of the components he used:
- 26” Shilen stainless select match- small shank Savage- Bull contour- 22BR with a .250” neck diameter- 12 twist throated to Bob’s dummy rounds
- Savage Model 10 action from NSS
- NSS Precision ground recoil lug
- NSS Squared and trued barrel nut
- PT&G Headspace gauges
Here is what Bob had to say about his build:
“This is a group from the rifle that I fully assembled myself, with all items purchased from you folks. I did all my homework and it paid off in spades.
The load info is attached, note, this group was shots# 4, 5, and 6, out of barrel!!! The first three were sighters. You guys are the best, and I’m a customer for life. It was all worth the wait.
I have two brass choices, Lapua, and Norma. The Norma seems to extract much easier than the Lapua. Just ordered some Peterson brass. I turned the necks to .012. That gives me .001, or 1 1/2 thousands clearance per side. My headspacing is on the tight side, and I may have to adjust it. I’m gonna wait til the Peterson brass arrives, process it, and see how it goes. I bought everything from you folks, minus the stock. I tried two powders, Varget, and H322. In the Norma brass, the same bullet, 52 ELDM, shot nearly identical. It likes the Hornady bullet. And I was using a 205 federal primer, versus the CCI 450. The action is completely bedded and floated.”