Shilen 300 PRC and Criterion 6.5 Creedmoor builds

We have a customer who sent photo’s of his 2 targets from his 300 PRC build (white and orange target) using a Shilen Rifles Inc. barrel and his 6.5 Creedmoor build (black and red target) using a Criterion Barrels Inc. barrel, both purchased from Northland Shooters Supply.
Here are his barrel specs and some of the components he used:
- 28” Shilen select match- small shank Savage bull contour- 300 PRC- 8 ratchet twist with ¾”-24 muzzle thread
- 26″ Criterion- large shank Savage MTU contour- 6.5 Creedmoor- 8 twist with muzzle thread
- NSS precision ground recoil lugs
- NSS squared and trued barrel nuts
- PT&G go and no-go gauges for PRC
- Forster go and no-go gauges for the Creedmoor
- NSS action wrench
- NSS 4″ barrel nut wrench
- Savage Arms model 110 action
Here is what he had to say about his builds:
“Happy customer here, I wanted to thank you for your help selecting my Criterion 6.5 Creedmoor and Shilen 300 PRC barrels, they are both performing very well. Here is where I am with very little load development. 3 shots each at 100 yards.
The 300 PRC is my ELR / mile gun. I used 72 grains of H4831 Hodgdon Powder, CCI LR magnum primers, Lapua brass, Hornady 225gr EDL-M bullets.
The 6.5 Creedmoor is my PRS setup for next season. I used 41.5 grains of H4350 Hodgdon Powder, CCI SM magnum primers, Lapua brass small primer pocket, Hornady 140gr ELD-M bullets”