Shilen 6.5×47 Lapua Build Success

Don H. of Missouri sent us some information regarding his 6.5×47 Lapua Shilen build that he purchased from Northland Shooters Supply.
Don purchased the following items from Northland.
– 26″ Shilen 6.5×47 Lapua varmint contour with an 8 twist
– NSS precision ground recoil lug
– NSS squared and trued barrel nut
– Pacific Tool and Gauge go and no-go gauges
Don had the following to say about his build.
“I just wanted to send you a short thank you for your great products and prompt service. I recently purchased a Shilin Select Match barrel chambered in 6.5×47 Lapua along with your precision barrel nut and recoil lug.
I completed the build and was able to take it the range a couple weeks ago. The barrel is mated to a Savage Model 12 action and is mounted in a Bell and Carlson Tactical Medalist 2 with an Athlon Argos BTR 8X34X56 on top.
As you can tell, it shoots lights out! And these were the third, fourth and fifth group out of the rifle! I expect it will get better but not exactly sure how much better it can get.
Thank you again!”
Thanks for the message Don and happy shooting!