criterion 6bra

Bruce B. of Illinois sent us some photos of his 6 BRA build using a Criterion Barrel he purchased from Northland Shooters Supply.

Here are some of the components that Bruce used on his build

Here is what Bruce had to say about his build:
“My main shooter is a .223 build I made in 2019 but other shooters I shoot with were talking about how well the 6mm BR and 6mm BRA cartridge work. 

I started with the Savage Target action I pulled from my Savage F-Class 308 target rifle. I sent the stock out to GRACO company when I was shooting it and had the adjustable comb and butt plate installed.

I ordered the 6 BRA Criterion barrel with a 7.5 twist and headspace gauges from you and the service was great.  I installed the barrel and a Rifle Basix Sav-2 trigger that I set at 10 oz.

I purchased 300 pieces of Alpha 6 BRA brass. They were the only ones making the 6 BRA brass at the time. Excellent brass quality and packaging. 100 pieces come in a nice foam padded hard case.
I loaded up some rounds with 105 grain Berger Hybrid and VLD bullets using Shooters World Precision Rifle powder and Federal small match primers.

Took it to the Friday F-Class League three weeks ago. I first went to the 100 yard range and sighted it. I did the first sighting by pulling the bolt, looking through the barrel and putting it on the target, zeroing the scope reticles to that picture through the barrel which actually works well.

First shot was within several inches of the point of aim. Got it zeroed, shot 15 rounds and cleaned the barrel. Off to the F Class League I went.

First week was a 396 and 19X at 300 yards as I was getting use to a new Raptor rest I also bought.

Second week was a 400 and 22X as I now had a good feel for the rest and gun. I also fine tuned the trigger a little.

Week three shot 398 and 22X and both misses were me. 

The Criterion barrel seems to really work well and I appreciate your input and expertise.”